World-Class Learning Support
Discover why our students rate our support service as 5-star time and time again on all the major review platforms.
Our support systems are the best in the industry because they're tailored to the individual needs of our students. Over the years we've constantly refined our approach to support, carefully listened to feedback, and used this to provide a consistently high-quality service.
The secret of our success is very simple; we're incredibly passionate about this industry and supporting you through your chosen qualification is what really drives us. We know we're playing our part in helping shape the exercise professionals of tomorrow; it’s a responsibility we take very seriously.
We believe in providing everyone with the support, guidance and resources that they need to succeed, and without compromise.
Our team of passionate and professional tutors will be here to guide and mentor you as and when you need them.
Here are some of the ways we can help you on your journey to becoming a skilled and qualified exercise professional:
Most of our students maintain regular contact with their support tutor. Whether it's via appointment, or just a quick call to ask a simple question, our tutors are on hand to offer their expert guidance and support when you need them.
If you have a question out of hours, you'll have access to your tutor's email address so you can always connect, even if you aren't available on the phone.
If our tutors can't reach you, they'll probably drop you a text message just to make sure everything is ok. Unfortunately, we can't receive inbound SMS messages at the moment.
If you'd rather meet your support tutor face-to-face, you're always welcome to drop in to our offices in Chorley, Lancashire. Alternatively, you can schedule a virtual meeting, usually via Zoom, so you can engage with your tutor in a live and interactive way.
From the moment you enrol on your course, you’ll be assigned your very own personal support tutor. They’ll serve as your primary contact throughout your studies and will always be ready to help you out. Perhaps you’ve got a burning question about the skeletal system, or want a bit of advice on how to further your career after you’ve qualified; ask and it will be answered.
If you do have a question about your course, it’s always best to pick up the phone. There’s always somebody that will be able to help you.
Our support systems are available as much as you want, or you feel you need. There are no time limits, caveats, or restrictions. Support tutors will speak with you initially on your induction to determine your specific needs. Thereafter, you can have as much contact and support as you need.
Support is available by phone, text, virtually, or email between 9:00 – 18:00 Monday to Friday. Unfortunately, the support desk is closed at weekends as that is when most of the practical courses are delivered.
Our support team are passionate about making sure you succeed and they are driven each and every day to help you to progress and develop in your learning. A key focus of our support systems is to help you master the knowledge and understanding so you can be a great exercise professional in whatever discipline you're planning on pursuing. The goal of your learning is much more than just passing the assessments.
Here at HFE, we anticipate what you’ll need to help you along your learning journey and we do our utmost to ensure that we deliver.
We invest far more into our learning and development than we do any other aspect of our business, including marketing efforts. It’s important to us to ensure that we serve our existing customers well and that we protect our strong reputation as a mark of quality and high standards within the sector.
On enrolment, each student receives their own login to LES, our Learner Engagement System. This platform is accessible 24 hours a day at 7 days a week. LES contains all of the online course materials, lecture videos, marking, access to online exams and details about when and where your practical training courses are scheduled.
Our customers service and support team members will be in touch shortly after enrolment to get you started on your learning journey. They’re diligent and proactive in their approach, so you won’t need to chase them. In reality, they’ll be chasing you.
In a typical month, our support team spend over 400 hours on the phone supporting students and they make over 1,800 outbound calls and receive around 1500 inbound calls. Some calls only last a few minutes, while others can take a little longer.
Most support calls will last 15-20 minutes and tutors will try to gauge where you are at with your learning, clarify any areas you are struggling with, then set you some directed study tasks or activities. It’s always better to speak with your support tutor regularly, although for some, we understand that this isn’t always possible. To us, no question or query is too big or small!
You’ve put your trust in us to deliver a qualification, and the last thing you want to be worried about is the quality of service or level of support you’ll receive. Our tutors are respected fitness professionals in their own right, many of whom are still actively working in the industry. Believe us when we say they’ve been there and done it all before.
Most of our online lectures are presented by leading doctors, dieticians, physiotherapists and academics, ensuring that you get best online learning experience possible. Content is delivered in a friendly and engaging tone, and in bitesize portions so that you can study at your own pace.
We only employ the very best people in the industry, because that’s what you deserve. Nobody wants a second-rate anything, especially when it comes to something as important as your education.
We go to great lengths to ensure that you have nothing but the very best teaching and learning materials to support your studies and career. From the moment you enrol, we'll supply you with a host of print, digital and video-based resource to cater for every style of learning and individual learning need. While materials and resources do differ slightly from one programme to the next, most of our courses include as standard the following:
- Printed manuals
- Digital manuals
- Online lectures
- Mock assessments
- Interactive eLearning
- A comprehensive study guide
- Templates for all assignments/coursework
If you'd like a taste of what we offer, have a look at our sample training manuals, produced exclusively in-house.
If you’ve never experienced distance learning, it can seem intimidating at first. We’re here to allay any concerns you may have, however. Backed up by the immense success of our students, we’re big believers in delivering courses this way.
One of the greatest benefits to home study is the ability to access materials on the go, anytime and anywhere – as our support tutors often say, “it’s like a classroom at your fingertips”. Our Learner Engagement System is incredibly versatile and intuitive. Course units are broken down into easily manageable chunks and you’ll find an array of worksheets, lesson plans, case studies and revision materials to guide you through. The flexibility of LES allows your tutor to provide instant feedback and highlight areas of the course that still require completing.
It’s also a great system that lets students interact with one another. Our community learning forums provide a welcoming place to introduce yourself, post a question, or start a discussion.
Did you know that 87% of our students pass their theory exam first time? That’s because we make sure you’re fully prepared to deal with even the trickiest of topics.
Our mock exams give you the chance to perform a dry run, test out what you’ve learned so far, and highlight areas where you may still need some support.
Why not get a head start and try one our mock exams right now? You may already know more than you think.