Level 3 Standing Pilates Instructor Course

Expand your skills and deliver standing Pilates exercises to a wide range of participants.

Woman completing a toe touch standing Pilates exercise
Woman completing toe touch standing Pilates exercise

Stand up and be counted with our leading level 3 standing Pilates course

Embracing the spirit of the Pilates method, our standing Pilates course will teach you how to plan and deliver standing Pilates activities that are suitable for a wide range of participants.

  • Course type:


  • Time to qualify:

    2-4 weeks

  • Entry requirements:

    Level 3 Mat-Pilates Teacher (recommended)

YMCA Awards endorsed logoCIMSPA logo white

Book your place for only £195

Course overview: Level 3 standing Pilates course

Our standing Pilates course is specifically designed to help qualified Pilates teachers expand their portfolio of skills. Enrol today to get instant access to this ground-breaking course content.

Pilates continues to be one of the most popular forms of group exercise amongst people looking to improve their postural and musculoskeletal health. It is also favoured by those with low back, neck, and other forms of chronic pain because of its rehabilitative benefits. 

When you think of Pilates, most people would think of mat-based exercises or those performed on a Pilates reformer for example. However, Pilates is an exercise method that is guided as much by its principles as it is by its specific exercises. It’s therefore possible to apply the principles of Pilates to many exercises, including those performed from a standing position.   

This Level 3 Award in Standing Pilates embodies the exercise principles and philosophy set out by the founding father of this movement, Joseph Pilates, and show’s you how to apply these to exercises performed while standing.  

By completing this short online course, you’ll be able to make your Pilates sessions more inclusive and accessible, especially for those who may struggle to get on and off the mat. 

  • Entry requirements

    This programme has been developed specifically for qualified Pilates teachers. As such, we do recommend that you hold a Level 3 Mat-Pilates Teacher Qualification .

    This is a CPD programme and as such, the course is available for anyone to enrol and complete. That said, without a Pilates teacher training certificate, this programme will not qualify you to practice as a teacher.

  • Accreditations

    This Level 3 Standing Pilates course is fully endorsed by YMCA Awards so you can rest assured you’re getting a first-rate education.

  • Quality training materials

    Our training materials are some of the most detailed and comprehensive on the market. We pride ourselves on high standards and expectations, which is why we give you everything you need to succeed.

    This course is completed entirely online and on-demand. Via our secure online platform, you’ll complete a wide range of eLearning activities and practical workshops to broaden and deepen your understanding of standing Pilates exercises.

    Embedded in your course are the main course assessments, which include an online worksheet and some interactive multiple-choice style questions. You’ll need to complete all these assessments to get your certificate.

  • Ongoing career support with CV Connect

    After qualifying, you’ll have access to our flagship CV Connect programme, where you’ll be able to connect your CV with thousands of health and fitness employers across the UK.

Payment Options

With our excellent reputation for quality standards, you can rest assured that you’ll have access to some of the best quality, most flexible and most inclusive training content on the market.

Our standing Pilates programme has been designed to be engaging and informative, while also being highly flexible and competitively priced.

Special Offers, Discounts and Deals

We are committed to quality, fairness, and transparency, which is why we openly list our course prices on our website for all to see. We don’t engage in discounting, bargaining, or deal-making and our price promise ensures that all our students pay the same fair price for their training and qualifications.

Pay in Full


Get a 5% prompt payment discount on orders with a value over £200.

Purchase Order


Provide a purchase order on enrolment
and settle the invoice within 30 days*

*Only available for business bookings and subject to the appropriate due diligence.

Unparalleled learning support

Our fantastic and friendly team of support tutors are always ready and willing to help you during your standing Pilates course. Whether it’s a technical question about the content or some impartial career advice, our support tutors are always available to help you when you need them. Typically, we provide support via:

  • Phone calls

  • Video calls

  • Emails

  • Webinars

Support tutor at whiteboard

What you'll learn

Our standing Pilates course has been designed to embrace the fundamental principles of the Pilates method and applies these to a standing exercise format. The course will equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to teach standing exercises that promote form, function and health, while also making your classes and sessions more inclusive.

Our training has been specially formulated to help qualified Pilates teachers to expand their knowledge and elevate their careers by allowing them to deliver classes which suit a broader spectrum of needs and abilities.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn during your standing Pilates course:

  • Introduction to standing Pilates

    Evolution of the Pilates method
    From mat-standing in Pilates
    Principles and fundamentals of Pilates
    Classical and modern Pilates
    The standing approach in the Pilates method

  • Benefits and risks of standing Pilates

    General and specific benefits
    Movement planes in Pilates
    Developing balance in Pilates
    Risks and benefits to special populations
    Physical and technical demands of standing Pilates
    Health and safety considerations

  • Benefits and risks of standing Pilates

    Upper-body standing exercises
    Lower-body standing exercises
    Core standing exercises
    Whole-body standing exercises
    Modifying and progressing standing exercises
    Developing own standing exercises in Pilates

reformer Pilates course shown on iPhone screen

*Images and videos are for illustration purposes and may not depict specific course materials.

One Pilates career, endless possibilities

After their studies, many of our Pilates graduates go on to work with leading health and fitness operators, including many of those featured below. Additionally, many are also now employed by a number of smaller and more boutique Pilates studios. Some have even started their own Pilates businesses and classes.

Bannatyne logo
David Lloyd logo
Virgin active logo
Nuffield health logo
pure gym logo
Places Leisure logo
Village gym logo

How You'll Be Assessed

Our Level 3 Award in Standing Pilates will include a range of online assessments designed to measure the knowledge and skills that you’ve developed throughout your course. Our dedicated team of support tutors will also be on hand to answer any questions that you may have about your online assessments. The assessments for this standing Pilates course are as follows:

Reformer Pilates student leading class while being assessed

Session plan

  • Planning a matwork session
  • Utilising small equipment
  • Completed online


  • Interactive workbooks
  • Broad knowledge
  • Varied questions

Frequently asked standing Pilates Questions

Here are a few questions that we're regularly asked about our standing Pilates course. If you do have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our Careers Team who are ready and waiting to hear from you!

  • What’s the difference between standing, mat and reformer Pilates?

    The fundamental difference between standing, mat and reformer Pilates is how they are all performed. Mat Pilates is conducted on the floor, standing is performed while standing (funnily enough) and reformer Pilates includes the use of the universal reformer; a specialist piece of Pilates equipment designed using springs and bands for resistance. 

    With standing Pilates in particular, the style incorporates exercises which embody the core principles of the Pilates method with a range of exercises performed from a standing position. This means that the exercises are quite diverse and somewhat unrecognisable from the classical styles of Pilates. This form of Pilates is also more suitable for those suffering from poor mobility and who maybe cannot transition safely to the ground, those at risk of falls, and clients with various musculoskeletal pain and injuries.

  • What exercises will I learn in this course?

    In this course, you will learn a range of standing Pilates exercises that focus on different areas of the body. For classification purposes, they are divided into upper, middle and lower-body exercises. However, as most Pilates teachers and practitioners know, Pilates exercises focus on whole-body integration and stabilisation, and the standing exercises presented in this course are no different. 

    The course includes 35 core exercises that are presented with multiple pieces of equipment and an endless number of options. On completion of this course, you’ll have an extensive number of standing exercise options to include in your class. You’ll also get a fully downloadable handout listing all these exercises so that you can make notes during the online practical workshops.

  • Where can I work when I am qualified?

    Most Pilates teachers will deliver their sessions in gyms, health clubs, leisure centres and/or community-based leisure facilities like a church hall or community centre for example. Like mat-based Pilates, standing Pilates exercises require very little equipment and so they can be performed almost anywhere.

    Standing Pilates will likely appeal to a different type of student than classical matwork sessions, so there is even more scope to target this audience. The elderly, those with limited mobility, those who are at risk of falls, and/or pre and postnatal women will definitely be drawn to standing Pilates more than the everyday Pilates student. As such, exercise referral schemes, fall prevention programmes, and other more specialised exercise services are much more likely to want to hire teachers able to teach Pilates from a standing position.

  • Are you able to help me secure a job once I’ve qualified?

    As a company, we believe in full transparency, which is why we don’t advertise our courses as leading to any specific job or interview. This practice is highly misleading and almost always misrepresented. 

    What we do, however, is give you access to our flagship CV Connect platform. Here, you can simply upload your CV and the system will allow you to connect with thousands of potential employers across the UK and abroad. With CV Connect, we can cut out the middleman and get you connected directly with all of the major health and fitness club operators.

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