RIP Bench Press
If you have ever performed a bench press, you will know how simple and effective this exercise is for developing...
3 Minute Read
Do You Know What Your Metabolic Type Is?
In the early 20th Century, a dentist by the name of Weston Price began expeditions around the world in an...
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How E-Learning Could Help You
E-learning is a flexible and interactive approach to learning which utilises technological advances to ensure that you get the most...
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Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs)
The Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) was UK fitness industry's professional standards body regulating fitness instructors and personal trainers.
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Shake up for Summer: Vibration Training
If you have recently been to a modern health club, you won’t have been able to ignore the rather peculiar...
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Kettlebell Training
Over the past three years, there has been one word that has taken the health and fitness industry by storm,...
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Abdominal Training and Whiplash Injuries
The whiplash injury is most commonly associated with road traffic accidents (although is also quite common in contact sports) and...
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Complex Training
The use of strength training to improve the physical characteristics of both athletes and serious fitness enthusiasts has been well...
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Reverse Anorexia in Young Males
Over the past century there have been dramatic changes in the media’s representation of the ‘ideal’ male physique and body...
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New REPs Ethical Code of Conduct
The Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) have released a new Code of Ethical Practice which supercedes the previous code that was...
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